Success Cases Platformification

Retention increase

The platform can solve your problem: increase the lead retention

How you can do that?

These are the platform access tool available:

Browser Webiste

Mobile App Android

Mobile App iOS

Everything is fully integrated and connected to social channels:


The B2C channel is very important to be addressed and carefully managed, our offer cover all aspect of a frontline proximity and remote marketing:

  1. Map with nearby venues: your shop
  2. Local advertising: your advertising banner and your products
  3. Your story: featuring your products and company profile
  4. Your products: multi language translation of the product description

Here is an example of The Decanter mobile app containings all italian wineries

Install url Android
Install url iPhone



During the journey the lead browse your information and decides to complete the order or to visit your venue. The social aspect enables the user to have login and exchange opinion of him experiences. Combining the journey agains the user profile you can engage with direct campains the users or you can advertise your company using indirect marketing.

Wall Advertising

The social aspect of the platform enables you to advertise your products directly on the wall:


The wall contains all opinions of all other users and your advertised product with direct access to BUY, e-Commerce, mobile-Commerce, Direct Chat, Heartbeat, Social Facebook & CO Sharing.

“Our best goal is to integrate with your existing services and worldwidely promote them.”


Proximity Marketing

The whole solution is managing each single aspect for you: iBeacon and proximity marketing is already bundled inside and it’s an instrument that you can play as you prefer.

Example of Tourist Chat event & shop proximity marketing:

  1. Install a “branded event” mobile app, may be using an invitation code
  2. Register your profile to receive coupons or event subscription
  3. Move around the event keeping your smartphone with you
  4. The iBeacon will track user presence around the stands and record a “Presences.pdf” file that will contains valuable data for your campains

Real success case using the iBeacon technology:


More information of Tourist Chat Proximity Event Food & Drinks tasting tour


Kiosk Display Advertising

You can install a TV module in your shop or event that can broadcast the iBeacon coupons or display your products.



Watch demo:

Display of a famous and very good tasting winery Kiosk SmartTv Link Demo

More information of Tourist Chat Kiosk Display


Successfully deployed 7 social platforms, example is our branded:

Tourist Chat powered by the Travel Guide Finder Engine

Install Tourist Chat Mobile App Now iOS Apple iPhone

Install Tourist Chat Mobile App Now Android Smartphones

Travel Guide Finder

WinTur Tourism Company Branded Platform


Demo video